Date(s) - 06/01/2020
9:00 am - 10:00 am
The Gatehouse, Stowel Lake Farm
Awareness Through Movement® classes are verbally led gentle mindful movement explorations focusing on How you do something rather than how much you do. Learning what habit patterns of movement inhibit ease is the first mindful step in learning new and more efficient and less stressful patterns. You will find ways to refine your ability to bend, twist and turn with less strain and more ease. The sequences are done lying on the floor, sitting or standing.
Feldenkrais lessons address the biological necessity of movement (i.e. self-preservation, self-protection, orientation, anticipation, pleasure). Through refining our abilities to learn and move we improve the quality of our life, become more fluid in both movement and thought and reduce pain and strain.
The weekly classes address a particular theme or function over a period of 5 weeks. The themes link to each other as we go on but it is possible to join a class at any point in the process.