MAY 1-10, 2021
What if you moved better? Would you dance more? Would you walk more? Would you smile more and be more welcoming of life? Or would it be about less? Would you be in less pain? Would you turn down invitations less? Would you be less sad? Would you hesitate to try new things less?
Join me and 31 excellent teachers, speakers, and panelists for 10 days of investigation into how you can bring greater awareness to movement which can open doors to possibilities you may never have considered, or thought were lost forever!
There is something to interest almost everyone and I am honoured to part of a panel with the Healing Trauma theme May 8th 3pm PDT/ 4pm MDT/ 5pmCDT/ 6pm EDT.

Join us for the Opening Day Extravaganza: The never before done 24 hours of Awareness Through Movement lessons with 22 different instructors from around the world!
I hope you will join me and use the button below to register for the FREE summit May 1-10th.
Thanks and see you there,
REGISTER HERE: https://friedman–futurelifenow.thrivecart.com/2021-unlimited-move-better-feel-better/
The Kelowna Feldenkrais Teacher Training adventure has begun!
On February 28th, 2021 a group of 50+ people gathered on line for the first three weeks of the Kelowna Feldenkrais training. Julie Peck and the rest of the team led the students in an intensive learning exploration of sensing, feeling, thinking and moving. Even though it was all on zoom for this segment everyone felt like they had connected with the group. We are all looking forward to the next segment in mid June and then again in November, by which time we hope to able to meet in person.
The training is still accepting late applications so, if you have been considering joining the training please get your application in soon. As soon as you finish the application process you can join the mentoring and study groups and begin to review the segment recordings as well.
Click to apply now: https://kelownafeldenkraistraining.ca/apply.html