A Seminar for the Public and Professionals Learn through observation and sensing how to do things you never thought you could. Discover how movement is organized for optimal functioning. Presenters: Anastasi Siotas & Rob Black
Find the feeling of effortless movement and sense of balance arises when all our systems work in an integrated way.The ability to remain balanced in our ever-changing world requires a coordination that is in a state of refinement over our lifetime. This 2-day workshop based on the Feldenkrais Method of Somatic Education provides precise tools for such continuous self-study
This 2 day workshop will explore the seminal ideas that form the foundation of The Feldenkrais Method and what makes it the unique and powerful tool for helping people move and live more in keeping with the way they’d like. Each foundational idea will be made real through your personal experience via Awareness Through Movement lessons. REGISTER